Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cool Car

I saw this retro car near the Brooklyn Bridge.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I just like it, that's why.

Shopping Bags

I was photographing the man at the Kosher Luncheonette across the street when this woman walked across my field of view carrying the bag of groceries and a helium balloon. I especially like the man in the left background who appears to be watching as events unfold.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I stayed home from work today to nurse a cold. I entertained myself by photographing the laundry. I'm easily amused.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Its Obama Day in the USA.

Two patriotic women in the middle of the street, cars whizzing by, as the traffic cop yells at them to be careful.


I always see the most interesting people in Chinatown. I should say that the coat is more interesting than the person that I saw today after I got my eyeglasses adjusted.

Monday, January 19, 2009

More Drama on Maiden Lane

The fire across the street this morning reminded me of an incident that happened last winter. We heard horns blowing, looked out the window and this homeless woman was standing in the street cursing a blue streak at the driver in the car on the right. Actually she was just cursing and the guy in the car just happened to be in the way. She stayed there for about 45 minutes cursing at the top of her lungs with horns blowing a New York symphony, until the traffic cops came and talked her down.

Fire on Maiden Lane!

Jon noticed smoke coming from the Hays Building across the street. We both called 911, me from the street. Firemen arrived, went into the building, smoke stopped, firemen left. A lot of drama happens on Maiden Lane.